Article Journal - Method

Article Journal - Method

Title : Reading Printed versus Online Texts. A Study of EFL Learners’ Strategic Reading Behavior
Author : Esther Uso-Juan & M Noelia Ruiz Madrid

In method section, this journal tells about the participant, materials, and also collecting and resulting the data.
1. Participant
First off, the participant. The participant for this journal was 154 first- and second-year student of Universität Jaume I in Castellon, Spain. All student were study about EAP course.
2. Materials
Second, there is materials. So, materials for the present study was:
a. EAP Reading Test
All of the participant took a discipline-related EAP reading test which contained their subject matter to measure learners’ reading comprehension both printed and non-printed (pdf format).
b. Reading Strategy Questionnaire
It can determine the sort of strategies that can be used by student for read a passage on screen and printed.

3. Data collection Procedures
The experiment was held in 2 session. In the first session, the student was introduced to the first seven strategies presented. Both session the teacher included a discussion on the nature of strategic reading and provided explicit instruction on how and when reader could use the particular strategy.
4. Scoring Procedures
The scoring scale for the reading test was between 0-100 points. The two researchers independently coded the second reading comprehension task. If there is any disagreements were resolved through discussion.
5. Statistical Analysis
In statistical analysis, the author use the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) to analyze the result.

Article Journal - Introduction

Article Journal - Introduction

Title : Reading Printed versus Online Texts. A Study of EFL Learners’ Strategic Reading Behavior
Author : Esther Uso-Juan & M Noelia Ruiz Madrid

In the introduction, Esther Uso-Juan and M Noelia Ruiz Madrid talking about the strategies for hyperreading. It also provide the reader a little bit of hyperreading and how it become an issue in educational field more specifically in the field of ESL and EFL. It also contain researchers opinion such as Burbules, 1996; Hanson-Smith, 2003; Kasper, 2003; and Villanueva, 2008. They considered that hyperreading is a reading practice that different to the reading in print. However, some researchers also warn that hyperreading also has many disadvantages for readers, and it derived from the medium itself.


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