Naming Traditions Around The World : Japan

There are so many names around the world. Every name has unique meaning, including YOURS. In some country, parents give their child name because of tradition. Including Japan.

In Japan, there are some 'rules' to name their children. One of it is the children name should contained family's name. There are 3 common family's name in Japan, Satō (佐藤), Suzuki (鈴木), and Takahashi (高橋). This family name also can be used for surname and followed by first name. Why Japanese need surname? Because it's kinda rude to call someone by their first name, especially to stranger or someone that older than you.

In the past, Japanese have children name. A name that given at kids and changed when he/she's older. But this kind of name only given to a Noble, like a Samurai or a Shogun. Male names often end in -rō (郎 "son", but also 朗 "clear, bright"; e.g. "Ichirō") -ta (太 "great, thick"; e.g. "Kenta") or -o (男 / 雄 / 夫 "man"; e.g. "Teruo" or "Akio"), or contain ichi (一  "first [son]"; e.g. "Ken'ichi"), kazu (also written with 一 "first [son]", along with several other possible characters; e.g. "Kazuhiro"), ji (二  "second [son]" or 次 "next"; e.g. "Jirō"), or dai  (大 "great, large"; e.g. "Daiichi").

Female names often end in -ko (子 "child"; e.g. "Keiko") or -mi (美 "beauty"; e.g. "Yumi"). Other popular endings for female names include -ka  (香 "scent, perfume" or 花 "flower"; e.g. "Reika") and -na (奈, or 菜, meaning "greens" or "apple tree"; e.g. "Haruna").

The example of famous people is Sakata Kintoki. His child name is Kintaro.

Most of Japanese name have beautiful meaning, like Hikari/Hikaru which mean Light or Sora which mean Sky.

A little funfact : because there's 3 kind of word in Japan (Katakana, Hiragana, and Kanji) sometimes the name can pronounce differently in Kanji and Hiragana.

In Japanese Dub, an Anime character often called by their family name and followed by their first name, but in English Dub, an Anime character often called by their first name and followed by their family name.

That's for today post. Thanks for your attention :3

Top 5: Free to Play Steam Game

Haloo agan agan yang jomblo *eh yg tamvan maksudnya :v

Kali ini ane bakal ngasih referensi ke agan semua tentang Free to Play Game di Steam. Seperti yg agan tau kalo Steam adalah tempat beli game secara LEGAL, tapi tentu selain yg harus di beli ada juga game game free to play :D

Mau tau? simak aja!!!

1. DOTA 2
      Yap! Dota 2 adalah game free to play buatan valve. Dirilis tahun 2013, game ini bergenre Strategy, RTS dan banyak banget gamer yg ketagihan main ini game cara maen nya sih lumayan simple tinggal ngancurin base lawan. Eeeiiittss jangan salah justru disitulah keseruannya karena pas lagi seru seru nya ngancurin base orang eh base kita juga bisa aja di attack player lain XD selain itu agan juga bisa beli item item yg ngebantu banget :D pokoknya ini game Worthed!

berikut SS nya:

2. Team Fortress 2
    Masih dari developer yg sama, TF2  memang tidah menyuguhkan grafik yang WOW tapi game ini mampu memberikan sensasi multiplayer FPS yg seru dan yang pasti bikin ketagihan juga :D agan juga bisa costumize karakter :3 Dirilis tahun 2007 ini adalah game FreeToPlay bergenre FPS terbaik di steam!

berikut ss:

3.  Robocraft
     Suka Robot? Suka Costumize? Suka Multiplayer? Suka Tembak Tembakan? This game is what u need :D dirilis 8 Juli 2014, game buatan Freejam ini bisa kalian mainkan langsung dari steam gratis tis tis! berikut ss:

4. Paladins
Ngerasa overwatch terlalu kompetitif? pengen main fps moba tapi lebih casual? Paladins solusinya. Game besutan Hi-Rez Studio ini memiliki playstyle yg sama dengan overwatch. bahkan bias dibilang paladins ini Overwatch versi gratis. Beriku SS:

5. Planetside 2
Game terakhir di list ini sudah di luncurkan dari 2012 yang lalu loh! walaupun sudah memasuki tahun ke 6 nya ternyata fanbase dari seri kedua Planetside ini masih banyak banget loh! dengan grafik yg masih 'Wah' bahkan di tahun ini membuat game bergenre Sci-Fi ini gw masukin di list. Berikut SS:

Sekian Postingan gw, semoga bermanfaat, kalo lo punya rekomendasi lain sliahkan tulis di comment box below. Stay Tune and Happy Gaming!!


Soooo yesterday, my lecturer ask all of her student about 3 questions..

1. If you have a child what name will you give him/her?

Well for me, i'll named my Son Arthur and my Daughter Yuki. Why you asking? Cuz i love Lore especially King Arthur and The Round Table XD so I'll name him Arthur or Lancelot which is the strongest below Arthur or Bedivier, the most Wise man in da group, ooooorrr Merlin a.k.a the swag Magician 😎 (actually Merlin is Boy name but in the lore Merlin is a Woman and Mordred's mom). Well, not only Arthur, i think Muramasa is a cool name. Oh and Miyamoto Musashi cuz i love Japanese lore too. XD

"Then Why would you named your daughter Yuki?" Well.. i love Japanese name for female. Such as Hikari (Light) and Yuki (Snow) i think they're sweet name and i want my daughter as beautiful as the snow. Eventhough both can used as boy's name.

2. Your Favourite English Name

My list for male is:

- Arthur
- Jonathan
- Mario (not reffering to Super Mario tho)

And my list for female is:

- Christina (i love Christina Aguilera so yeah)
- Emily
- Amiela

3. Would you change your name?

Naaah, i'm good with my name. My name is Muhamad Julian Fatahilah. It's not a fantastic or a unique name but there's a Story behind it.

So, My 'Muhamad' reffering to Prophet Muhammad, Fatahilah reffering to Fatahillah, a figure that dispel the Portuguese from Sunda Kelapa and change the city name to Jayakarta, and Julian is the name of a doctors that help my mother to gave birth. And its my month of birth.

That's story of my name. Thank you


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